Putting accurate health information in the hands of residents and public health workers.
NYSACHO supports, advocates for, and empowers local health departments in their work. By promoting health and wellness – disease, disability and injury can be prevented.
KathodeRay has enjoyed assisting the NYSACHO team with their valuable work since 2009.
Website with a Members Only Section
NYSACHO offers a variety of public health preparedness resources and programs. The organization brings awareness to current Public Health Challenges, while advocating legislation policy. It is also used as a way to communicate with the residents of New York and their members.
Because of their diverse audience their website has information for many users. It contains:
- Directory of County Departments of Health
- Informational Resources
- Career Finder
- Calendar of Events
- and more
Besides the publicly accessible pages, there is also a private Member portal. All NYSACHO Members can search through the portal content to locate additional resources. The portal offers various levels of content access and editing privileges. This allows NYSACHO staff to manage, upload and edit the resources easily on their own.
Leveraging Facebook for Vaccination Education.
The Campaign to ImmuNYze all New Yorkers is a vaccination initiative of NYSACHO. It was created to heighten awareness of vaccines and the need to immunize. The goal is to offer reliable, scientific-based immunization information. KathodeRay helps NYSACHO by creating social posts on Facebook. This helps educate New Yorker’s about adult, teen and child vaccinations.
Press Ready Member Directory
Each year, NYSACHO prints a member directory. How to make this easier? Export a Press-ready PDF file from their website.